bapak pendiri uni eropa bahasa Inggris
- bapak: begetter; dad; inning; pappy; sire; father;
- pendiri: establisher; founder; founding father; pioneer;
- uni: union
- uni eropa: european union; member states of the european
- eropa: europe; european; blue mussel; coypu
- bapak pendiri amerika serikat: founding fathers of the united states
- pendiri: establisher; founder; founding father; pioneer; beginner; father
- uni eropa: european union; member states of the european union; the european union; eu; eec; european economic community; europe; common market; european community; ec; the netherlands; slovakia
- bapak: begetter; dad; inning; pappy; sire; father; one-parent family; single parent; mate; old man; fader; mr.; sir; dada; ancestor; paw; papa; lord; chap; father’s brother; pa; daddy; parent; guy; progeni
- bahasa resmi uni eropa: official languages of the european union
- bank sentral uni eropa: central banks of the european union
- brussel dan uni eropa: brussels and the european union
- country data uni eropa: country data european union
- daftar bertopik uni eropa: european union-related lists
- daftar perjanjian uni eropa: treaties of the european union
- Many of the Founding fathers of the European Union were also from parties that later formed the EPP.
Sebagian besar bapak pendiri Uni Eropa juga berasal dari partai-partai pendiri EPP.